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Frantz, A.C., Luttringer, A., Colyn, M. ; Kazilas, C.; Berlioz, E.

Landscape structure does not hinder the dispersal of an invasive herbivorous mammal in the New Caledonian biodiversity hotspot. 

European Journal of Wildlife Research 70, 6

Manzella, G.; Fontana, A.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; Agudo-Pérez, L.; Duches, R.

Paleoecology of mid-mountain Alps (Trentino, Italy) between Greenland interstadial 1 and Early Holocene. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of ibex and red deer. 

Quaternaty Science Reviews 328 (108549)

Ríos-Garaizar, J.; Sánchez-Romero, L.; Arriolabengoa, M.; Benito-Calvo, A.; Expósito, I.; Del Val, M.; Karambaglidis, T.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; Pérez-Garrido, C.; Arenas-Sorriqueta, E.; Eixea, A.; Gómez-Olivencia, A.; Agudo-Pérez, L.; San Emeterio, A.; Arkeologi Taldea, A. 

MIS5-MIS3 Neanderthal occupations at Amalda III cave (Northern Iberian Peninsula)

Quaternary Science Reviews, 333, 108666

Carrión, J.; Amorós, G.; Sánchez-Giner, M.V.; Amorós, A.; Ochando, J.; Munuera, M.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; Jiménez-Arenas, J.M. 

Greening a lost world: Paleoartistic investigations of the early Pleistocene vegetation landscape in the first Europeans' homeland

Quaternary Science Advances, 14, 100185

E. Allentoft, M.; Sikora, M.; Refoyo-Martínez, A.; (+50), González-Rabanal, B.

Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia

Nature, Vol 625.

Sanz-Royo, A.; Terlato, G.; Marín-Arroyo, A.

Taphonomic data from the transitional Aurignacian of El Castillo cave (Spain) reveals the role of carnivores at the Aurignacian Delta level

Quaternary Science Advances, 13, 100147.

González Morales, M.R.; González Rabanal, B.; Gutiérrez-Zugasti, I.; Cuenca Solana, D.; Straus, L.G.

Chalcolithic/Early Bronze age and additional magdalenian radicarbon dates for El Mirón cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain). Date list VII

Radiocarbon, vol 65, nº 6, 1372-1385.

Ochando, J.; Carrión, J.S.; Magri, D.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; Di Rita, F.; et al

Balkan Neanderthals: The Late Pleistocene palaeoecological sequence of Pešturina Cave (Niš, Serbia)

Quaternary Science Reviews, vol 330, 108600


Vidal-Cordasco, M.; Terlato, G.; Ocio, D.; Marín-Arroyo. A.B. 

Neanderthal coexistence with Homo sapiens in Europe was affected by herbivore carrying capacity

Science Advances,9,38

Marín-Arroyo. A.B.; Terlato, G.; Vidal-Cordasco, M.; Peresani, M.

Subsistence of early anatomically modern humans in Europe as evidenced in the Protoaurignacian occupations of Fumane Cave, Italy

Scientific Reports 13,  3788

Fernández García, M.; Vidal-Cordasco, M.; Jones, J.R.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.

Reassessing palaeoenvironmental conditions during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in the Cantabrian region (Southwestern Europe).

Quaternary Science Reviews, 301, 107928

Posth, C.; Yu, H.; Ghalichi, A.; (+60), González-Rabanal, B.; González Morales, M.R.; Marín-Arroyo. A.B.

Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hurten-gatherers

Nature 615, 117–126

Torres-Iglesias, L.; Marín-Arroyo, A.; Welker, F.; De la Rasilla, M. 

Using ZooMS to assess archaeozoological insights and unravel human subsistence behaviour at La Viña rock shelter (northern Iberia).

Journal of Archaeological Science, 161, 105904.

Pederzani, S.; Britton, K.; Jones, J.; Agudo Pérez, L.; Geiling, J.; Marín-Arroyo, A. B. (2023).

Late Pleistocene Neanderthal exploitation of stable and mosaic ecosystems in northern Iberia shown by multi-isotope evidence

Quaternary Research, 116, 108-132

Marín-Arroyo, A. B.; González-Rabanal, B.; Arteche, J .L.; Fatás, P.; González Morales, M. R.

Bone weathering in an Atlantic environment: preliminary results of the Global Weathering Project in Spain. 

Quaternary Science Advances, 12, 100112

Arenas-Sorriqueta, E.; Marín-Arroyo A.B.; Terlato G.; Torres-Iglesias, L.; Agudo Pérez, L.;  de la Rasilla, M.

Subsistence strategies during the Gravettian in the rock shelter of La Viña (Asturias, N Spain).

Quaternary Science Advances 12, 100113.

Blanco-Lapaz, A.; Marín-Arroyo. A.B., Gutiérrez-Zugasti, I.; González-Echegaray de Yarto, F.; González-Morales, M. R.

Coastal and Inland subsistence strategies during the Gravettian in the Cantabrian Region (northern Iberian Peninsula).

Quaternary Science Advances, 12, 100106.

González-Rabanal, B.; Marín-Arroyo. A.B.; Vidal-Cordasco, M.; Martín, M.A.; Ortega, A.I. 

Early Bronze Age violence in Ojo Guareña (Merindad de Sotoscueva, Burgos, Spain). Perimortem modifications in two male individuals.

Quaternary Science Advances,12,100120

Sanz-Royo, A., Marín-Arroyo, A. B., Rivero, O., & Rios-Garaizar, J.

Hornos de la Peña (Northern Iberia): New excavations, chronological and subsistence data of the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition


Jones, E.L.; ,Straus, L., Marín-Arroyo. A.B.; González Morales, M.G. 

Structuring domestic space in the Lower Magdalenian: an analysis of the fauna from Level 115 of El Mirón Cave, Cantabria.

Antiquity 97 (392): 280–294.

Álvarez-Vena, A.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; Álvarez-Lao, D.J.; César Laplana, C.; Martín Arriolabengoa, M.; Daniel Ballesteros, D.; Aranburu, A.; Bilbao, P.; Astorqui, A.; Díaz-Casado, Y.

Mammalian turnover as an indicator of climatic and anthropogenic landscape modification: A new Meghalayan record (Late Holocene) in northern Iberia

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 616, 111476

Lefebvre, A.; Pétillon, J.M.; Cueto, M.; Álvarez-Fernández, E.; Arias, P.; Ontañón, R.; Berganza, E.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B..

New insights into the use and circulation of reindeer antler in northern Iberia during the Magdalenian (ca. 21-13 cal ka BP).

Journal of Archaeological Science, 150,105708

Berlioz E, Capdepon E, Discamps E.

A long-term perspective on Neanderthal environment and subsistence: Insights from the dental microwear texture analysis of hunted ungulates at Combe-Grenal (Dordogne, France)

Plos One 18 (1): e0278395

Marín‑Arroyo, A.B.; Geiling, J.M.; Jones, E.L.;Carvalho, M.; González Morales, M.R.; Straus, L.G.

Seasonality of Human Occupations in El Mirón Cave: Late Upper Paleolithic Hunter-Gatherer Settlement-Subsistence Systems in Cantabrian Spain.

Journal of  Paleolithic Archaeology 6, 7

Torres-Iglesias, L.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; De la Rasilla, M.

Estrategias de subsistencia durante el Solutrense cantábrico: el caso del Abrigo de La Viña (La Manzaneda, Asturias)

Trabajos de Prehistoria, 79 (1), 11-29.

Marín-Arroyo, A.B.

SUBSILIENCE: Subsistencia y resiliencia humana ante los drásticos eventos climáticos acontecidos en Europa durante el Estadio Isotópico Marino 3*

Trabajos de Prehistoria, 79 (2), 258-273.

González-Rabanal, B., Marín-Arroyo, A.B., Cristiani, E.; Zupancich, A.; González-Morales, M.R.

The arrival of millets to the Atlantic coast of northern Iberia

Sci Rep 12, 18589

Vidal-Cordasco, M., Ocio, D., Hickler, T.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.

Ecosystem productivity affected the spatiotemporal disappearance of Neanderthals in Iberia.

Nature Ecology & Evolution

Borić, E.;  Cristiani, E.;  Hopkins, R.;  Schwenninger, J.L;  Gerometta, K.;  French,C.;  Mutri, G.;  Ćalić, J.; Dimitrijević, V.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.;  Jones, J.R.;  Stevens, R.;  Masciana, A.;  Uno, K.;  Korzow Richter, K.;  Antonović, D.;  Wehr, K.; Lane, C.; White, D.

Neanderthals on the Lower Danube: Middle Palaeolithic evidence in the Danube Gorges of the Balkans.

Journal of Quaternary Science, 1-39

García-Escárzaga, A., Gutiérrez-Zugasti, I., Marín-Arroyo, A.B. et al.

Human forager response to abrupt climate change at 8.2 ka on the Atlantic coast of Europe.

Sci Rep 12,6481

González-Rabanal, B., Marín-Arroyo, A.B., et al.

Large-scale migration into Britain during the Middle to Late Bronze Age.

Nature. 601, 588–594

Rios-Garaizar J, Iriarte E, Arnold LJ, Sánchez-Romero L, Marín-Arroyo AB, San Emeterio A, et al.

The intrusive nature of the Châtelperronian in the Iberian Peninsula.

PLoS ONE 17(3): e0265219

Borić, E.;  Cristiani, E.;  Hopkins, R.;  Schwenninger, J.L;  Gerometta, K.;  French,C.;  Mutri, G.;  Ćalić, J.; Dimitrijević, V.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.;  Jones, J.R.;  Stevens, R.;  Masciana, A.;  Uno, K.;  Korzow Richter, K.;  Antonović, D.;  Wehr, K.; Lane, C.; White, D.

Neanderthals on the Lower Danube: Middle Palaeolithic evidence in the Danube Gorges of the Balkans

Journal of Quaternary Science, 1-39

Carvalho, M., Jones, E.L., Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; Geiling, J.M.; Straus, L.G.; González Morales, M.R. et al.

Initial and Lower Magdalenian Large Mammal Faunas and Human Subsistence at El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain)

Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 4, 15

Estalrrich, A.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.

Evidence of habitual behavior from non-alimentary dental wear on deciduous teeth from the Middle and Upper Paleolithic Cantabrian region, Northern Spain

Journal of Human Evolution, 158, 103047

García Moreno, A.; Cubas, M.; Davidson, I.; Garate, D.; López-Dóriga, I.; Marín Arroyo, A.; Mateo Saura, M.A.; Ortiz, J.E.; Polo Díaz, A.; Rios Garaizar, J.; San Emeterio, A.; De Torres, T.; Wood, R.

El Niño Cave (Aýna, Albacete, Spain): Late Middle Palaeolithic, Rock Art, and Neolithic Occupations from Inland Iberia

Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1-9

Jones, J.R.; Marín Arroyo, A.B.; Corchón Rodríguez, M.S.; Richards, M.P.

After the Last Glacial Maximum in the refugium of northern Iberia: Environmental shifts, demographic pressure and changing economic strategies at Las Caldas Cave (Asturias, Spain)

Quaternary Science Reviews, volume 262, 106931

Lefebvre,A.; Marín-Arroyo,A.B.; Álvarez-Fernández, E.; De la Rasilla Vives, M.; Duarte Matías, E.; Cueto, M; Tapia, J.; Berganza, E.;  Pétillon, J.M.

Interconnected Magdalenian societies as revealed by the circulation of whale bone artefacts in the Pyreneo-Cantabrian region

Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 251, 106692

Marin-Arroyo, A.B.; Sanz-Royo, A.

What Neanderthals and AMH ate: reassessment of the subsistence across the Middle–Upper Palaeolithic transition in the Vasco-Cantabrian region of SW Europe

Journal of Quaternary Science, 1-15.

Ochando, J.; Amorós, G.; Carrión, J.S.; Fernández, S.; Munuera, M.; Camuera, J.; Jiménez Moreno, G.; González Sampériz, P.; Burjachs, F.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; Roksandic, M.; Finlayson, C.

Iberian Neanderthals in forests and savannahs

Journal of Quaternary Science. 1-28

Terlato, G.; Lubrano, V.; Romandini, M.; Marín Arroyo, A.B.; Benazzi, S.; Peresani, M.

Late Neanderthal subsistence at San Bernardino Cave (Berici Hills - Northeastern Italy) inferred from zooarchaeological data

Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 34 (2), 2021, 1-23

De la Rasilla, M.;  Duarte, E.; Sanchis, A.; Carrión, Y.; Cañaveras, J.C.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; Real, C.; Núñez-Lahuerta, C.;  Sánchez-Moral, S.;  Gutiérrez-Zugasti, I.;  Jones, J.;  Rigaud, S.;  Martínez-Cuesta, R.;  Torres, L.; Agudo, L.;  Santos, G.

Environment and subsistence strategies at La Viña rock shelter and Llonin cave (Asturias, Spain) during MIS3

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports,Volume 30

Estalrrich, A.; Alarcón, J.A.; Rosas, A. 2020

Toothpicking in early Homo OH 62 from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania): An indirect evidence of intensive meat consumption?

Journal of Human Evolution, 143, 102769

Estalrrich, A.; González- Rabanal, B.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; Vega Maeso, C.; González Morales, M.R. 2020.

Osteolytic lesions on the os petrosum of a Bronze Age individual from La Llana cave (Northern Spain) compatible with a possible case of otitis media. A multifaceted methodological approach

International Journal of Paleopathology. Volume 31. pp 97-102

González Rabanal, B.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; Jones, J.R.; Agudo Pérez, L.; Vega Maeso, C.; González Morales, M.R.

Diet, mobility and death of Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic groups of the Cantabrian Region (northern Spain). A multidisciplinary approach towards studying the Los Avellanos I and II burial caves

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Volume 34

Jones, J.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.;  Straus, L.G.; . Richards, M.

Adaptability, resilience and environmental buffering in European Refugia during the Late Pleistocene: Insights from La Riera Cave (Asturias, Cantabria, Spain)

Scientific Reports DOI: 1038/s41598-020-57715-2

Marín-Arroyo, A.B., Geiling, J.M., Jones, J.R., González Morales, M.R.; Straus, L.G. and Richards, M.P., 2020

The middle to upper Palaeolithic transition at El Mirón cave (Cantabria, Spain)

Quaternary International 544: 23-31

Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; Gutierrez-Zugasti, I.; Andreu Alarcón, S.; Cuenca Solana, D.

Patrones de subsistencia de los grupos mesolíticos en la Cueva de El Mazo (Asturias)

Saguntum-Extra 21. Homenaje al Profesor Manuel Pérez Ripoll. 277-290

Rios-Garaizar, J.; San Emeterio, A.; Arriolabengoa, M.;  Aranbarri, J.;  Rofes, J.;  Marín-Arroyo, A.B.;  Rivero, O.; Intxaurbe, I.; Arranz-Otaegui, A.;  Salazar, S.;  Medina-Alcaide, M.A.;   Garate, D.

Sporadic occupation in Armiña cave during the Upper Magdalenian: What for?

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 30, 102271

Rios-Garaizar, J.; Maíllo-Fernández, J.M.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; Sánchez Carro, M.A.; Salazar, S.; Medina-Alcaide, M.A.; San Emeterio, A.; Martínez de Pinillos, L.;  Garate, D.; Rivero, O.

Revisiting Hornos de la Peña 100 years after

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 31, 102259

Sánchez-Romero, L.; Benito-Calvo, A.; Marín-Arroyo, A.B.; Agudo-Pérez, L.; Karampaglidis, T.; Rios-Garaizar, J.

New insights for understanding spatial patterning and formation processes of the Neanderthal occupation in the Amalda I cave (Gipuzkoa, Spain)

Scientific Reports 10, 8733

Sanz Royo, A.; Sanz, M.; Daura, J.

Upper Pleistocene equids from Terrasses de la Riera dels Canyars (NE Iberian Peninsula): The presence of Equus ferus and Equus hydruntinus based on dental criteria and their implications for palaeontological identification and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction

Quaternary International, 566-57: 78-90

Jones, J., Richards, M., Reade, M., Bernaldo de Quirós, F., Marín-Arroyo, A.B. 2019

Multi-Isotope investigations of ungulate bones and teeth from El Castillo and Covalejos caves (Cantabria, Spain): Implications for paleoenvironment reconstructions across the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic transition

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23:1029-1042

Jones, J., Vega Maeso , C.; Carmona Ballestero, E., Villanueca Martín, L.; Delgado Arceo, Mª. E.;  Marín-Arroyo, A.B. 2019

Investigating Prehistoric diet of early farmers in Central Northern Spain (3000-1500 cal BC) using stable isotope techniques

Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences 11, 8 3979–3994

Jones, J. and Britton, K. 2019

Multi-scale, integrated approaches to understanding the nature and impact of past environmental and climatic change in the archaeological record, and the role of isotope zooarchaeology

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23: 268-272

Ríos, L., Kivell, T.L., Lalueza-Fox, C., Estalrrich, A., García-Tabernero, A., Huguet, R., Quintino, Y., de la Rasilla, M., Rosas, A., 2019

Skeletal Anomalies in the Neandertal Family of El Sidrón (Spain) support a Role of Inbreeding in Neandertal extinction

Nature Scientific reports 9 (1), 1697

Jones, J., Richards, M., Straus, L.G., Reade, M., Altuna, J., Mariezkurrena, K. Marín-Arroyo, A.B. 2018

Changing environments during the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic transition in the eastern Cantabrian Region (Spain): direct evidence from stable isotope studies on ungulate bones

Nature Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-32493-0

Marín-Arroyo, A.B., Rios Garaizar, J.; Straus, L.G.; Jones, J.R.; De la Rasilla, M.; González Morales, M.R.; Richards, M.; Altuna, J.; Mariezkurrena, K.; Ocio D. 2018

Chronological reassessment of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition and Early Upper Paleolithic cultures in Cantabrian Spain

PLoS ONE 13(4): e0194708

Rosas, A., Ríos L., Estalrrich, A., Liversidge, H., García-Tabernero, A., Huguet, R., Cardoso, H., Bastir, M., Lalueza-Fox, C., de la Rasilla, M., Dean, C., 2018

Response to Comment on: "The growth pattern of Neandertals, reconstructed from a juvenile skeleton from El Sidrón (Spain)"

Science, 9: 359(6380)

Kivell, TL., Rosas, A., Estalrrich, A., Huguet, R., García-Tabernero, A., Ríos, L., de la Rasilla, M., 2018

New Neandertal wrist bones from El Sidrón, Spain (1994-2009)

Journal of Human Evolution, 114:45-75

Marín-Arroyo, A.B., Ocio, D. 2018

Disentangling faunal skeletal profiles. A new probabilistic framework

Historical Biology 30 (6), 720-729

Gutiérrez-Zugasti, I., Rios-Garaizar, J., Marín-Arroyo, A.B., del Río, P.R., Maroto, J., Jones, J.R., Bailey, G.N. and Richards, M.P., 2018

A chrono-cultural reassessment of the levels VI–XIV from El Cuco rock-shelter: A new sequence for the Late Middle Paleolithic in the Cantabrian region (northern Iberia)

Quaternary International 474: .44-55

Everhart, J.L; Jones, J.R.

A (Disney) world of archaeology: Highlights of the 81st annual SAA meeting

Evolutionary Anthropology 25 (3): 84–85

Vega-Maeso, C., Carmona, E., Sierra, A., Marín-Arroyo, A. B.

El Abrigo de la Castañera (Cantabria, Spain): A Chalcolithic cattle stable?

Quaternary International, 414: 226-235

Jones, J.R., and Mulville, J.A.

Isotopic and Zooarchaeological approaches towards understanding aquatic resource use in human and animal diets in prehistory in the Scottish North Atlantic Islands

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 6: 665–677.

Geiling, J.M., Straus, L.G., Gonzalez-Morales, M.R., Marín-Arroyo, A.B.

A Spatial Distribution Study of Faunal Remains from Two Lower Magdalenian Occupation Levels in El Mirón Cave

Cantabria, Spain. Papers of the Institute of Archaeology, UCL.26 (1)

Marín-Arroyo, A.B., Cano, F., Lewis, M.

Middle Pleistocene Foot infection in Dama mesopotamica

International Journal of Paleopathology, 8

Marín-Arroyo, A. B.

Taphonomic Study of the Human Remains from The Magdalenian Burial In El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain)

Journal of Archaeological Science, 60

Marín-Arroyo, A. B. & Geiling, JM.

Archeozoological Study of the Macromammal Remains Stratigraphically Associated with the Magdalenian Human Burial in El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain)

Journal of Archaeological Science, 60

Geiling, JM. & Marín-Arroyo, A. B.

Spatial distribution analysis of the Lower Magdalenian human burial in El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain)

Journal of Archaeological Science, 60

Straus, L.G. González Morales, M.R., Carretero, J.M. & Marín-Arroyo, A. B.

“The Red Lady of El Mirón”. Lower Magdalenian life and death in Oldest Dryas Cantabrian Spain: an overview

Journal of Archaeological Science, 60

García Moreno, A., Ríos Garaizar, J.  Marín-Arroyo, A. B., Ortíz, J. E., de Torres, T., López-Dóriga, I.

La secuencia musteriense de la Cueva del Niño (Aýna, Albacete) y el poblamiento neandertal en el sureste peninsular

Trabajos de Prehistoria 71(2)

Stevens, R., Hermoso-Buxan, X., Marín-Arroyo, A.B., González-Morales, M., Straus, L.

Investigation of late Pleistocene and early Holocene palaeoenvironmental change at El Mirón cave (Cantabria, Spain): insights from carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of red deer

Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Palaeoecology 414

Marín-Arroyo, A.B., Landete Ruiz M.D., Seva Román, R., Lewis, M.

Manganese coating of the Tabun faunal assemblage: Implications for modern human behaviour in the Levantine Middle Palaeolithic

Quaternary International 330

Marín-Arroyo, A.B. & Moreno-Garcia; M.

Taphonomy and archaeozoological research: recent approaches

Quaternary International 330

Marín-Arroyo, A.B.

Human response to Holocene warming on the Cantabrian Coast (northern Spain): an unexpected outcome

Quaternary Science Reviews 81

Meiri, M., Lister, A., Higham, T., Stewart, J., Straus, L. Obermaier, H., Gonzalez Morales, M., Marín-Arroyo, A.B., Barnes, I.

Late-glacial recolonization and phylogeography of European red deer (Cervus elaphus L.)

Molecular Ecology 22

Margalida, A. & Marín-Arroyo, A.B.

Dietary habits in the endangered Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus from Upper-Pleistocene to modern time in Spain: a paleobiological conservation perspective

Bird Conservation International 23 (4)


Marín-Arroyo, A.B.

Palaeolithic human subsistence in Mount Carmel (Israel). A taphonomic assessment of Middle and Early Upper Palaeolithic faunal remains from Tabun, Skhul and el-Wad

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 23 (3)

Marín-Arroyo, A.B., Madgwick, R., Brugal, J-P. & Moreno-Garcia, M.

New Perspectives on Taphonomy

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 22

Marín-Arroyo, A.B. & Margalida, A.

Distinguishing Bearded Vulture Activities within Archaeological Contexts: Identification Guidelines

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 22

Cuenca-Bescós, G., Marín-Arroyo, A.B., Martínez, I., González Morales, M. & Straus. L.G.

Relationship between Magdalenian subsistence and environmental change. The Mammalian evidence from El Mirón (Spain)

Quaternary International 272–273


Jeanne Marie Geiling

Human Ecodynamics in the Late Upper Pleistocene of Northern Spain: An Archeozoological Study of Ungulate Remains from the Lower Magdalenian and other Periods in El Mirón Cave (Cantabria).

Ana B- Marín-Arroyo, Manuel R. González Morales


Borja González Rabanal

Dinámicas de población, dieta y prácticas funerarias de los últimos cazadores-recolectores y primeras sociedades campesinas de la región cantábrica.

Ana B- Marín-Arroyo, Manuel R-. González Morales


Leire Torres Iglesias

Acercamiento multidisciplinar a los grupos de cazadores-recolectores del Abrigo de La Viña (Asturias) durante el Solutrense y Magdaleniense (21.000-13.000 BP). Reconstrucción paleoeconómica y paleoambiental. 

Dirección: Ana B- Marín-Arroyo

Alicia Sanz Royo

Human-environment relationship during the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in northern Iberia.

Dirección: Ana B- Marín-Arroyo